Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life. All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Björn Kjellman) celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. But after a dirty text message and some failed acrobatic stunts on the balcony, the idyll has both cracked and ended up in the emergency room. Karin is forced to straighten out her back and realizes that she has spent her life taking care of her family without getting as much as a thank you. Together with her friends from the swimming pool, she finds new vitality at a weekly cooking class, where Peter Stormare’s star chef opens up for exciting new taste sensations. Tuesday Club is a well-acted and inspiring paean to struggling women, mature passion, and Asian cuisine.
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Paul Mescal2024-04-14 22:19:31